Culinary Arts Essentials (8 weeks)

Price :
AED 1000


Taught across eight weeks, this immersive and practical program lets you discover the fundamentals of French cuisine. It combines practical culinary arts instruction with teaching modules dedicated to managerial and entrepreneurial skills.


- Culinary Arts Fundamental Techniques
- Bistronomy & Traditional Cuisine
- Mediterranean Cuisine
- Contemporary
- Hygiene and Business License Requirements
- Restaurant Management
- Final Exam

- Career-changers, entrepreneurs, and culinary enthusiasts.

- Entrepreneur
- Chef
- Private Chef
- Caterer


- Maximum 12 students per class
- Over 80% in practical workshops
- Highly qualified Chef instructors in each discipline
- Personalized experience with strong team cohesion
- Toolkit and chef uniforms are provided

Taught across eight weeks, this immersive and practical program lets you discover the fundamentals of French cuisine and Alain Ducasse philosophy

- The program is taught directly in English and delivered in fully equipped labs at École Ducasse Abu Dhabi Studio


- No previous degree or experience required
- 18 years of age minimum
- English session: B1 level (IELTS: 4.5) recommended
- For any additional information regarding our programs, please contact our admission team who will be pleased to answer any question you may have.
- The program is taught in English by our expert training chefs and delivered in fully equipped labs at École Ducasse Abu Dhabi Studio.

Pre-admission based on written application file, to be followed by an interview.
Register your profile on below link.

Pay AED 1000 registration fees & register your profile on below link.

Click here to open registration link

Contact Us

Our teams are at your disposal for any questions concerning tuition fees and intake dates.

Mitali Gupta

Tel: +971 52 432 6043



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